Prize and reward

Zero Impunity wins Best Film at Animafest!

Zero Impunity, by Stéphane Hueber-Blies, Nicolas Blies and Denis Lambert (production a_BAHN / coproduction Mélusine Productions), has won the Best Film Award at the 15th Bucharest International Animated Film Festival, Animest! The jury’s words are poignant : “The strength of this unique and uncompromising work lies in the way it gives voice to the victims. […]

Prize and reward

My identity is this expanse! begins its festival career

My identity is this expanse !, a virtual reality short film by Karolina Markiewicz and Pascal Piron (production a_BAHN / associate co-producer Zeilt Studio) begins its festival career ! After its world premiere at the prestigious Bucheon International Animation Festival in South Korea (BIAF 2020), the film was selected to participate in the official competition […]